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where are the art areas in Paris ?

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Montparnasse-Luxembourg Beaubourg Arts-et-Métiers Boulogne Billancourt Marais Bastille et St-Louis Tolbiac St-Germain des Prés Etoile,Champs Elysées, Matignon Concorde, Louvre

> Paris-City =departement nb is 75 ; the nb are te administration districts, named "Arrondissements"
> Big Paris, the nb are the "Departements" ; only the first belt is here

 Big Paris
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too many art in Paris ?
Where, when, how to go ?

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Here described, the nature of each of the artistic area of Paris :

= n° of the district

Champs-Elysees, Matignon :

an extended area towards Matignon and the Faubourg St-Honore that gathers together top class galleries of all types : traditional, contemporary and modern of all trends ; also some famous, great public institutions, the biggest auction houses and public exhibitions centers

Concorde, Louvre :

the world’s most visited cultural site, for there one finds... the Louvre ! Along with the sculpture garden of theTuileries, it’s a (very large) crossroads for the Champs, the Latin Quarter and Beaubourg

Beaubourg : east + west

an area with contemporary leanings, its famous Centre Pompidou having attracted little galleries that are hidden in the old streets to the north-west of the Centre ; the Halles are closed for works

Arts & Metiers : nord

is undergoing change and connects Beaubourg (to the south-west) and the Marais (to the south-east) : from its unkempt buildings, the chinese sellers of tawdry goods and small wholesale dealers are being gradually replaced by little galleries and independent art professions, who seek some cheaper m2s. To be visited, but in knowing where its pearls are hidden

the Marais : + nord

this nice renovated old quartier is full of galleries dealing in contemporary and avant-garde art & design, as well as a few public interesting institutions like the Picasso Museum. It is Paris’s biggest concentration of actual art and "the" trendy quartier, preferred by the homosexuals, too ; it remains very convivial, a village even, no infested by motorcars because there are no car park ! but it has become very expensive...

Saint-Paul : , place des Vosges : east

an extension to the south of the Marais, with similar characteristic but less pure art, more touristic art but of good quality and with a grouping of antique dealers at St. Paul.

Bastille St-Louis : east + sud-west + nord-west

to the south of the Opera-Bastille on the length of the Viaduc des Arts one finds a certain amount of fine art but the practical craft arts and design dominate. There are occasional artistic events but more often socio-political demonstrations, a french sport ! To the east of the Bastille are situated craft and design centres

Tolbiac : nord

an university area, including the Grande Bibliotheque Nationale (Mitterrand) that also exhibits contemporary design (graphics, publications, etc.) : there are no galleries but some centres of art and design along the banks of the Seine, and an architecture university. A footbridge over the Seine links it the area of Bercy with its very nice park

Montparnasse, Luxembourg : south + south + nord + nord

is to the south of the Quartier Latin and more famous for its great cafees (in other days close to the studios) than for its galleries ; it lives again with the help of some public institutions that should be seen, several museums ; the Luxembourg gardens which are a pleasant means of going between Saint-Germain and Montparnasse

Saint-Germain, Saint-Michel : nord + east, and nord

also called the Quartier Latin ; famous for its gathering of galleries above all dealing with the “established modern" and contemporary art, embellished by a similar concentration of “bistrots” but being suffocated by trendy dress shops and motorcars ; little of “avant-garde” but lots of ethnic art and modern and vintage design. Saint-Michel has become a highway for cheapo tourism despite its university faculties

Chaillot-Alma-Champs de Mars, Invalides : south + nord-west

few galleries but some prestigious modern and contemporary art institutions that make up an unavoidable triangle

Grands Boulevards : + south + south

a very long old half-belt that, in the 19th century, was a place for bourgeois promenades and courting and that since has become a major traffic route ; to the west it is smart and to the east for the common people. There is no art.to be found, except in the area of Drouot where exists the well known centre of busy auction houses and gallery warehouses, selling gallery and collectors establishments

Montmartre : nord + south

this artistic quarter, known for its “painters” and quaint galleries, has also a some genuinely artistic pearls as a few true artists still live there and try to make themselves visible

Buttes Chaumont, Villette : south and nord

a vaste region surrounding a curious Park (completely artificial) of the same name, that includes a few galleries and avant garde establishments ; this quarter is still developing at the artistic level because of the low price per m2 and some pretty looking areas. Also Villette is not far away with its leisure and culture based parks

in the other areas in Central Paris

are not without art as in each “arrondisement “(urban district) there exist certain concealed items ; one can sometimes find famous artists names


a magnificent quartier of the near-by Greater Paris : a top area for the neo-classical architecture of the 30s with an international reputation, as well as design and plastic arts of the Museum from the 30s

Greater Paris

has a quantity of interesting artistic localities ; notable in the “Couronne” (belt around the center) the inner suburbs, where information and active event making organisations have developed along with artists’ studios (at Ivry to the south and Montreuil in the west). There are some large museums and recently some big international galleries have opened up their hyper-spaces in abandoned factories : see the Menu under the rubric “Escapades

Traduction par l’artiste John Salter (voir son oeuvre), merci ! / translated by the artist John Salter : thank you !






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annonces d'événements :


scène galante ou scène d’amour ?

 Les Atamanes illustrent l’amour ; choisissez :
> les scènes galantes
> les scènes d’amour

<< Umberto Brunelleschi
Amoureux à Venise, pochoir


comme le printemps, il revient 

...le Salon du dessin contemporain

au Carreau du Temple dans le Marais
du 27 au 30 mars


c’est les Journées des Métiers d’Art

en France et en Europe, les JEMA proposent des milliers d’événements consacrés aux métiers d’art et aux savoir-faire d’exception

du 31 mars au 6 avril un peu partout


le revoici, le Grand Salon du printemps

au Grand Palais
avec notamment un regard sur la peinture figurative en France

du 3 au 6 avril


la Demeure du Chaos menacée d’être rasée

la Demeure du Chaos est un incroyable site visitable menacé par sa Mairie ; un peu comme si l’on voulait raser Le Palais Idéal du Facteur Cheval, site classé...

une grande pétition est lancée


les grandes expos début 2025

découvrez le calendrier des nouvelles grandes expositions
à Paris début 2025



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